The Green Digital Academy, a ground-breaking low carbon initiative supporting small, medium and micro businesses to progress towards net zero is to be rolled out to 180 new companies across North Wales thanks to the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity (UKSPF) funding.
Busnes@LlandrilloMenai News

Fully-funded business training announced for North Wales, business and individuals thanks to a £3m funding boost from UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Work-based learning apprentices and staff at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai felt what it’s like to live with dementia and autism as part of a pioneering immersive reality experience.

Expert staff from across North Wales have been commended in a recent Estyn inspection report on work-based apprenticeship provision offered by the region’s leading apprenticeship provider.

A new professional, apprentice and business training centre is soon to open under new and exciting plans led by Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, the business arm of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai which is responsible for delivering professional, specialist and work based training.

“I have found a new passion for my job and as a bonus I earn more money for having my qualification.”

Coleg Glynllifon, in partnership with the Royal Forestry Society, hosted over 60 young people at its campus recently, to showcase the exciting sector of Forestry and Countryside Management.

The Green Digital Academy, a project that supports North Wales businesses to reduce their environmental impact, has supported over 50 companies to date.

Anglesey-based chef Sophie Rowe wowed judges at the recent National Chef Awards with a mouth-watering local menu included a pear and chutney tart to start, salt marsh lamb with truffle and lamb jus and a dessert of dark chocolate mousse and blood orange curd.

Transform your ‘Visitor Journey’, Boost Skills, Efficiency & Business Resilience. Be more competitive in 2023!